Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Final Reflection

I have learned so much in EDM 310 this semester. I learned how to make a blog, how to make a podcast and communicate with students across the world on their blog. I even learned what a smart board was and how to use it. I will use all these techniques in my classroom. I would have never learned any of these things if I would not have taken this class. My approach to teaching has changed now because of this class.
My nephew was visiting and I asking him if they use computers in their classrooms. He said yes but they do not blog or talk to other classes. I told him he should talk to his teacher about this and also about Shelfari.com. I taught him how to use Shelfari.com and he is addicted now!!
I would recommend anyone taking this class to take advantage of the lab and the helpers. Dr. Strange will say that attendance is not required but take advantage of each and every one of your class times because it will pay off. I came to every class because I wanted to! I loved talking to the teachers and the other students in the classroom. You can learn from everyone so absorb it all!

1 comment:

  1. "I came to every class because I wanted to!" A fantastic compliment. Thank you.

    And you have made a Shelfari addict out of me (with Jamie Lynn's help) also. Thanks.

    Thanks for your many contributions to EDM310. Stay involved. Watch and contribute to the Alumni Blog. We have many interesting plans in the works.
