Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blog Post 6

Richard Miller
This video of Richard Miller's was very interesting how technology has changed over the years and is still changing daily.
I was shocked at the part where he said the Professor uses the web instead of the alphabet. This is unbelievable.
We do need more technology in the classroom but he is right, we have to have the right tools. These tools would be an inspiring teacher, inspiring spaces, and inspiring pedagogies. What will they think of next?

Networking Student
I enjoyed this video and thought the cut out cartoon characters were cute. This video is about networking. Networking is great! It can help you in so many ways. It can help you find great resources and even jobs! It's even better if you keep trying to build your network as much as you can.
This video talked about a student taking an American Psychology class. It was on 3 days a week but 2 days were online and they did not have textbook. I think this is where we are heading in the future. No textbooks.
Why do we need a teacher? I think for guidance in case you need help or to even to help you start building your network if you do not know how.
I will tell you truthfully I'm not prepared to be a teacher of a networking program. I'm still in the learning process myself.

Michael Wesch
This video reminds me of my personal life. I've always been too shy to stand up in front of crowds and talk. I was a little embarrassed when I read the book to my webcam just because I felt stupid not reading to someone. As I get older, I've noticed I'm getting better about getting up and speaking to an audience. I'm still nervous though. It's different when you speak to children than to your peers.
I really liked the "Mad V" experience. That was interesting. I had never heard of that but it's very touching to me. The same with the "free hugs" that one guy started but it continued all over the world. If more people were like these two, the world would be a nicer place instead all this hatred, racism and negativity.
I think as a teacher, I will have my students do activities like "Mad V" to let them express what is on their mind each week. I think it's important to express your feelings or get things off your chest instead of having them bottled up.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis Christi!

    Networking is a vital part of almost everything
    we do especially learning, teaching, and working. I think this has always been so but for some reason it hasn't been stressed like it should in education. The world wide web and the availability of various digital technologies have truly made the world a much smaller place. This increases the importance of networking exponentially.

    This is why activities like commenting on blogs, working together with peers on projects, and creating a PLN are required in EDM 310. These are the tools or "technology" of networking. The best part of it is that these things are not hard to do, its just a matter of doing them. SS
