Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Christi said...
This is so true! I absolutely agree with you on this. You may not make a difference to every student but you may make a difference to that one student. That student you do make a difference to will never forget you either. This is so correct teachers should never give up!

June 28, 2010 8:20 PM

Paige V. Baggett said...
I just received a letter from that one student who took the time to let me know. She was one of my third-graders who I taught 26 years ago! Her kind words inspired me to post this and reminds me of how important it also is to let those who make/made a difference in your life know that they did.

June 28, 2010 8:25 PM

Christi said...
I bet that made you feel wonderful! I have so many fond memories of many elementary teachers that touched my heart and I wish I could let them know. My parents divorced when I was 7 and I moved so I would not even know where to begin to search since I do not know their first name. I'm getting my license reinstated so I've already finished my block. I do remember the sweet letters I would get some days left on my desk and especially at the end of my block that really touched me forever! I hope I did the same to those students also.

June 28, 2010 8:45 PM

1 comment:

  1. A delightful exchange. That is what blogging is all about! And a wonderful video clip as well!
